Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Safe and happy in Hong Kong


Happy new year to you all!

Hope 2008 is full of new adventures for everyone.

After a gruelling flight beset by screaming babies on all sides I've managed to beat almost all of you to the second of january by about 8 hours. Here's me eating REALLY yummy sandwich (anything would be after plane food) on the walk of stars to prove it

It looks better without my ugly mug though:

Feeling like a bit of an old hand at the Hong Kong visa run now. Starting to feel as if I know some of the little nooks and crannies in this city. For example, if you need a chinese visa - best place is just off Nathan Rd, Block B of ChungKung mansions - down the little alley draped in saris and spices, past the dodgy looking ethiopians smoking joints, into a gash in the wall that looks like it was once a bomb shelter, up to the third floor and there you will find a lady who can get you a visa in 12 hours no questions asked at half the normal price.

Also, anyone who fancies coming to visit me in my tropical paradise, I definitely recommend Oasis Airlines - single Gatwick-Hong Kong £75+tax and the food is better than BA. Though no free socks, bummer.

Love to y'all,



1 comment:

Gene wolf said...

yo jamie u look pretty happy in Hong KOng hope your havin fun hope u also got my email frm Alex BOND