I'll buy the first person to tell me the english names of all of the above fruit a pint. I only know the bananas and mangoes.
The above is not an aquarium, but a restaurant believe it or not! They don't bother printing menus, you just point at the sea cucumber or blow-fish and tell them whether you wanted it fried, work.
The famous chinese spicy BBQ.
You name it, they have it. The baby squid still have their eyes and feel squishy when you bite into them. Mmmmm
"How much are the fat juicy ones?"
Not sure if there are any mangoes in there but there are clementines, bananas, soursop, passion fruit (?), mangos (?), rambutans, and papayas.
:) :)
It is great to hear from you. Have a great time Hainan and thanks for sending your blog.
Fruit> the pink spiky ones are dragon fruit (they have white flesh with black polka dots!) and the tiny orange ones with the leaves are physalis. They sell both in Tesco now :)
See you in Jersey, hopefully!
Nathalie x
Thanks guys!! Sorry, but you were both beaten to the pip in both speed and accuracy by a Miss Yvonne Gruendler to whom I now owe a pint :-).
See you soon Nat, hugs for the both of you!
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