but finally I own my own Chinese company!!!!!!

Get the word out, we can do websites, logos, graphic design, web applications and other software projects at high quality and great prices! If you think you might know someone interested in our services get in touch, we have a commission program! See www.island.je for more details.

Hanging our license to do business on the wall.

Time for a little celebration at the new office and I introduce a little bubbly European tradition...

Celebration calls for some good food.

The core team! We have four programmers and another graphic designer joining us next week and then work can commence. I don't know about you, I'm excited!

One thing you learn about being a foreigner in China is that you're ALWAYS the one who gets picked on to go up on stage...

For a minute, it looked like I was in danger of getting married against my will yet again...

But at least I got a free hat out of it this time.

me alegro muchisimo que te este yendo bien con tu compania!!
muchos exitos!!
sounds real exciting and great pics again!
That's AWESOME James! You're under 30 and you have your own business...in China!!
I really hope it goes well for you. It obviously will as China's a growing country which will soon dominate the world. And you speak English, which makes you a very valuable asset!
Let us know when you're back in Jersey. It'd be great to catch up.
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